Wellness Worksheet Bundle | FREE!

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Wellness Worksheet Bundle | FREE!


Your ultimate wellness worksheet bundle!


1 x Intention Setting Worksheet

Includes 4 prompts to help you reflect and create meaningful intentions PLUS 3 mantra / affirmations for you to create based on prompts. Use the space provided, or grab your journal and free flow!

1 x Self Care Rituals Worksheet

Includes a personalised self care planner with ritual prompts for mind, body, emotions & spirit, journal prompts to help you connect to your intentions for self-care more clearly, and a breath awareness exercise to anchor you into focus and grounding.

1 x Manifest Your Dreams Guide

Take the time to pause and reflect on how you want the following year to unfold and what you would like to invite in. This is your proven 4-step guide to manifestation in its simplest and most effective practice.

All yours, with love.

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